For the 5th year, H.O.P.E. was awarded a Vermonters Feeding Vermonters mini grant through the Vermont Foodbank.
We are once again working with local growers Small Axe Farm as well as Firefly Farm to provide quality fresh produce options to the community, free of charge. Produce is available every Wednesday, from now thru late September/mid October from 10 am to 5 pm outside under our purple canopy. Produce is also available inside our store in our services area on a first serve first come basis.
Stop in for the best selection! Check our Facebook page for a weekly produce list.
Feeding Vermont families with Vermont grown foods!
Throughout the year, we receive last minute donations of produce and perishable food items, which is available to anyone in need.
In June we provided 377 people with produce that total in a value of $3,020.50.
Frequent Produce / Perishable Food Donors:
-Salvation Farms (gleaning program)
-Vermont Foodbank Food Drop (monthly produce drop)
-Lyndon Institute
-Houghton Farm
-Local Businesses and Community Members
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for the most recent drop offs!
* Ask about the cooking prep-bags*
It contains: A cutting board, wooden spoon, vegetable peeler, can/bottle opener and a small paring knife.
Many thanks to devoted volunteers, donors and the community. People just like you who care about those in need. We are Helping Other People Everyday, and we need your help to answer the growing calls of help for food, clothing, household basics and emergency packets for families and individuals in dire need of assistance.
Year H.O.P.E. started
25,000 +
Total Backpacks of Food
Given to Food Insecure Children
Individuals Helped
During 2023 Alone
# of Local
Towns / Agencies
We Assist
Thrift Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10 AM - 5 PM
10 AM - 4 PM
Closed Sunday and Monday
136 Church St. Lyndonville VT 05851
(802) 626-3228
Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you to our 2025 H.O.P.E. Sponsors
Karl & Barb Armstrong