Clothing Vouchers 

We want to make sure that every child is dressed for the appropriate season. Our children's clothing voucher, makes sure children are warm in the winter, and dressed appropriately for school or the other months between. 

Younger children can receive two outfits, one pair of shoes and one set of pajamas, every three months, free of charge

Teens and adults receive a set monetary amount every three months, free of charge.

H.O.P.E. was founded on the principles and beliefs of achieving strength through charity. This program is not sustainable without previous recipients returning back to share and help fill the shelves. We are all about “take what you need and give what you can”.

H.O.P.E. Services Hours (as of 10/1/24)

Tuesday - Friday 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Many thanks to devoted volunteers, donors and the community. People just like you who care about those in need. We are Helping Other People Everyday, and we need your help to answer the growing calls of help for food, clothing, household basics and emergency packets for families and individuals in dire need of assistance.
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